Dear all,
due to the recent events regarding COVID19 our web site has limited stock, this is so we can service the majority with at least basic foodstuffs. we understand that it may be frustrating but if its not on the site we wont have it.
Local delivery which extends to 15 radius from our shop is free if you spend over £40.00, however we have the facility to deliver to very local (flixton & Urmston) elderly customers who may not want to spend £40.00, the way this must be done is for the order to be placed through our web site but select collect from store, write in the comment box that this is for an elderly person and we will ring you confirm this and then deliver it, PLEASE NOTE, DO NOT SEE THIS AS WAY OF HAVING US RUN AROUND FOR YOU IF YOU ARE NOT IN THIS CATAGORY AS THE MEAT WILL BE RUTURNED BACK TO THE SHOP AND NO REFUND WILL BE MADE! this is service we will provide but will not have it abused.